Inviting Other (2019)

Description:  A choreographic piece that has been created based on a research concerning untold secrets of the self, along with the exploration of possibilities between space and time, performer and object, body and space, sound and movement. The composition, music and movement vocabulary are strongly related to Bruno Shultz’s biography and writings, as well as the characters that arise from his texts. Particular emphasis has been given to the chapters “The Book” and “Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass”.

Duration: 40’

Concept/Research/Choreography: Panayiotis Tofi
Performers: Panayiotis Tofi, Jakub Otčenášek
Music Composition: Jakub Otčenášek
Voice/Narration: Alexia Paraskeva
Voice Recording/Editing: George Kolias
Photography: Kyriakos Christodoulides
Camera/Trailer: Marios Iosefides

Presentations of First Term 2018/19 Crocodile Streets (Warehouse Project – Cyprus Theatrical Organization) : Warehouse Theatre, Nicosia